Monday, November 7, 2011

もり先生のレクチャー (Monday, Nov. 14)

らいしゅうのげつようび、11/14にジョージタウン大学のもり先生のレクチャーがあります。レクチャーはHesburgh Center Auditoriumで、じかんは3じから4じ15ふんまでです。トピックは、かんじをべんきょうすることです。

Learning Kanji: Learner Perceptions and Strategies
Yoshiko Mori, Georgetown University
Learning kanji is challenging, but the sense of challenge makes learning Japanese a lot of fun and could act as a motivator to continue to study Japanese.  In this talk, I will first make an overview of the nature of kanji and the challenge in kanji learning.  I will then report the findings of my research that investigated Japanese language students' kanji perceptions and the impact of their self-reported learning strategies on their achievement.  Based on my research findings, I will argue that (a) Japanese language students reflect upon their own kanji learning from various perspectives, (b) students' task-specific beliefs have a significant impact on their achievement on given tasks, and (c) metacognitive awareness plays an important role in dealing with a challenging learning task.

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